Want to sell biodiesel at retail? Triangle Biofuels is looking for businesses in the Raleigh/Durham area that already sell diesel fuel what want to sell B20 or B99 biodiesel, or for new business that would be interested in selling B99 biodiesel. We can offer great margins (B99 sells for $4.00/gallon or more in the RTP area) and we will direct traffic to your store from our existing RTP customers and our websites and other biodiesel fuel websites.

2000 Gallon Tank and Pump
We can also furnish for lease a new, 2000 gallon double-wall, UL listed tank with Tokheim retail fuel pump (pulser and relays included for fuel control and sales). All pump materials are rated for straight biodiesel or any blend. Installation and setup would cost extra, and will most likely require permits. NC Weights and Measures certification will be required (free) unless you intend to use it for internal fleet fueling only.
Right now there is a shortage of available biodiesel in the USA. We can supply you with with pure biodiesel or any biodiesel blend down to B5. Biodiesel fuel for highway use is taxed the same as regular diesel in North Carolina, so there is no additional paperwork for the retailer. See our website for more information about high ratio biodiesel blends an precautions you may need to take for existing equipment. Lower biodiesel blends can usually be added without any additional precautions or modifications to your existing equipment.
For more information, use the Contact Us page and we will be happy to discuss how we can help you sell biodiesel at retail.